International Prayer Call Center
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Kingdom International Intercession Prayer and Empowerment Sessions ( Individually & Corporate )

Daily we will break bread with God in a specific prayer topic and bible reading/ studying as outlined in the Kingdom International Intercession Prayer and Empowerment outline. During this 42 day journey we are focusing on specific prayer topic and bible reading/study so that we will be on one accord and touching and agree in our individual and corporate time with God. Please stretch beyond outline reading and pray daily for we only give an outline so we can be in agreement corporately. We will touch and agree twice a day for a 60 mins for corporate prayer and words of empowerment @ 5:30am and 9:00pm via conference call for those who are available. If you would like sign up to lead the Kingdom Empowerment Session click here. All session are prerecorded and will be played during corporate gathering. Let God utilize you in the area(s) He has anointed you.

You can connect to the conference call in the following ways

  1. Online Platform: Log into the D.O.R.M Online training and development Platform for virtual access in the room. Speakers will connect on the platform with the link provided to them.
  2. Radio Broadcast: Listen to our Radio Station: Kingdom Influencer Broadcast or
  3. TV Station: Watch us on our Kings View TV Station or
  4. D.O.R.M Intl FB Page: Watch us on D.O.R.M International Facebook Page
  5. YouTube Channel: Watch us on the Kingdom Influencers Broadcast YouTube Channel

For those who are not available to meet with us live you can listen to the recording playback on Facebook, YouTube, and podcasting streaming channels. In addition for those who would like specific prayer for themselves or others someone will be available after each session.

A note about prayer: We must have a scripture to stand on during prayer and we must give God back His word for it is only His word that will never come back unto Him void.



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